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80 Year Old Paint Store Retail - 12 employees - $147,000

This is a follow up to my experience with CLRA Group in our learning about and applying for the ERC credit. 


Since our initial phone conversation with Andy Koepke we immediately began gathering the necessary documentation, which included 2020 and 2021quarterly payroll reports and quarterly profit and loss statements. We were instructed to submit them to Andrew King at Hundredfold Consulting for his review and consultation.


The process was seamless.  Those two gentlemen were so easy to work with, they explained in detail how the process works, and we had actual LIVE scheduled telephone conversations instead of waiting for email responses that often never happen in today`s business world.  Andrew`s investigation into raw material shortages, shipping delays, manufacturing shutdowns, and government rules aided in our qualifying for a refund.


I received a call Friday morning from Andrew King with the results of his thorough investigation, and was pleasantly shocked with the total refund to expect. He forwarded the documents for me to sign yesterday, and I am now waiting for the checks to arrive in the next 3 to 6 months.  We pay nothing for their service until we are paid.


In my 58 year career, this professional group ranks among the best I have dealt with, and I want to thank everyone at SBAM who vetted this organization for their members.




Rodger Storteboom, President

Douglas & Son, Inc.


See More ERC Success Stories!

Don't let your CPA, Accountant or another ERC Firm decide your ERC destination for you, especially if they are telling you that "You Don't Qualify."


The majority (80% +) of the businesses we help today get qualified for ERC were told that by their CPA, Accountant or another ERC Firm.


Contact us today so we can help you get qualified for ERC!

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CLRA Group LLC is independent of Jorns & Associates and Hundredfold Consulting and is not an accounting firm. It is owned and operated by third-party associates. CLRA Group LLC connects people to tax accounting service providers, and there is no charge to be connected with a tax advisor. CLRA Group LLC is not herein engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or tax preparation services. The information on this website is provided with the understanding that you are under no obligation to retain any services of those linked through our website. The case studies included are for example purposes only and do not guarantee results. More information can be found at

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